playtherapy in the worx
Hello there, Just popping in to share. First off. I have begun to produce my line of plush therapy toys or Theraplush line. I had a big order already and must now prepare for the convention next month so that I can fill more orders! this is great. Here are some pictures from this adventure. On a second note I haven't been posting any new fashion for two reasons. #1 I am going strong in fashion school right now which means that I am practicing the craft rather than making finished pieces. Yeah it's hard not to make clothes all the time, however when I do next they will be oh so much f*^%ing better :) Oh yeah, and this hiatus counts for Illustrator too because I am designing the new pieces in that program, just can't share yet ;)Reason #2. I have been developing a line of corsets and functional hip bags that will launch in October on a spanking new website built by my genius fiance Joey Rocket. I promise to share all of the products and behind the scenes fun once the website has been launched and I make my fierce explosion on the Los Angeles fashion scene. For now just pass the time with these uber-sweet faces with big eyes.