tiny super boots

These were a fun challenge. I used a slightly stretchy vinyl. What you see here is the third prototype. I got the shape by draping a thin piece of spandex over the foot and calf, tracing the shape, cutting and stitching that rough estimate, then tweeking it until it fits right. Sometimes this is the most fun process! I would still like to make one more pair and I will be done with the boot. However, It looks like for the final Superman Figure the boots have been voted on by fans to be sculpted. But no worries I enjoyed experimenting with making this.
Also the project is temporarily on hold while the actual figure is being changed by Erick to be more muscular and not so boxy. Then I will make a suit and super drawers in a the correct fabric and proceed to drape & fit the cape as well as get the decals on. Designing on such a small scale is fun for me and I think I have a knack for it. Check out the work of HA Ru here: www.ha-rue.com/3/01.php it will blow your mind. I hope to be as good as these guys some day. I hear they have a background in tailoring. I am taking tailoring classes at LA Trade Tech right now, so I am on my way!!
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